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Cutting Edge Exhibitor

34 Items Remaining

Take your place in the Expo Hall and visit with attendees during lunch! 

  • 6 ft. table with black cloth and 2 chairs
  • breakfast & lunch for 2 reps; invitation to President's Reception
  • listing in attendee program
  • copy of attendee list
  • Upgrade: buy an ad in the attendee program (click here for details)
  • Expo Hall Hours: 7 AM to 6 PM
    • Lunch Hours: 11:50 AM to 12:50 PM (required for exhibitors)
Non-Member Price: $625
Member Price: $500

Let's Get Some Additional Information

Please complete the requested information below to finish adding Cutting Edge Exhibitor to your cart.

Name of the company participating in this event.
suggestions: themed gift basket, sports tickets, gift card, discount on your product/service, etc.